Privacy policy

The website is managed by Kyiv International Contract Fair, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as KICF).

We take seriously the safety of personal data of our clients (Exhibitors, Visitors, Potential Visitors, Partners, Participants of exhibition events, Participants and Guests of conferences and shows, as well as other people, who addressed KICF with any request or claim). In the view of this, the KICF company has developed this Privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) with the aim to inform you about the order of collection, storing and processing of personal data and information, which you provide via this website.

We control the ways of collection of your personal data and define the purposes, for which personal data are used by KICF. We act as Data Controller for the purposes of EU General data protection regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as GDPR) and other applied legislation on data protection, as well as Owner of personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On protection of personal data” of 01.06.2010 № 2297-VI.

We process your personal data if one of the provisions set out in Article 6 of GDPR, including but not limited to the following, is fulfilled:

  • You have given the permission to process your personal data;
  • Processing is required for the purpose of concluding with you and/or implementation of the Agreement for providing a complex of works/services on organization and holding of an exhibition event, or providing additional services;
  • Such processing is required by the legislation of the countries, with which residents we cooperate on organization of specialized events, exhibitions, conferences etc.

We can periodically update Privacy policy, including if it is required by applied legislation. Therefore, we kindly ask you to visit KICF website, in order to make sure that you have relevant information.

Main definitions (terms)

Personal data are any information of personal character, which allows the third party to identify a natural person (data subject).

An identifiable natural person is a natural person who can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular by reference to an identifier (first name, last name, document number, or other identifier) or by means of analysis of some elements of physical, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or other identity of this natural person.

Personal data subject is a natural person, to whom personal data refer and who can be identified or has already been identified by these personal data.

Personal Data Controller is a natural person or legal entity, who determines the purposes and means of personal data processing and is responsible for their processing. Personal Data Controller is the term equivalent to Owner of personal data in Ukrainian legislation.

Personal Data Processor is a natural person or legal entity, who processes personal data for Controller based on his instructions (directives, orders). Personal Data Processor is the term equivalent to Manager of personal data in Ukrainian legislation.

Personal data processing is any operation or a set of operations, which is performed upon personal data or sets of personal data with or without the use of automated procedures, such as collection, recording, systematization, structuration, storage, changing, sorting, viewing, using, dissemination or any other way of providing access for third parties, including employees of Personal Data Controller or Processor, as well as their deletion.

Legislation, which regulates personal data processing

Processing of your personal data is performed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”. Processing of personal data of the clients, located on the territory of EU or who are EU citizens, is regulated, in particular, by EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as GDPR). Besides, the legislation of the countries, with which residents we are in business partnership relations, can establish additional requirements.

The scope of the Policy

This Policy applies to “personal data and information”, which are collected by us with the help of this website. “Personal data and information” include but are not limited to the data, which identify personally you, separately and together with other information, available to us. Examples of personal data include, among others, your name, location, telephone number, e-mail address, IP-address and other information, which you can provide, while using our website.

By using this website and giving your direct agreement to process your personal data, you accept the practices, described in this Policy. If you do not agree with this Policy, we kindly ask you not to use this website.

Personal data and information, collected with the use of our website

Personal identifying information (personal data) is the information, which allows us to know exactly who you are. Personal data are requested while ordering services, registration of application for participation in exhibition event, registration of user account, registration of a participant, etc. These data may include, but are not limited to your name, address (both legal and actual), e-mail address, information about your position and industry in which you work, etc. This information can be stored in our database in connection with previous or current cooperation with you or in view of the fact that in our opinion you may be interested in receiving materials about our activity and services from us. It allows us to manage our business relations more effectively, to improve our website and services, offered to you, as well as to target materials, which we can send you, according to interests.

Non-personal identifying information means the information of exclusively statistic character, which does not identify particular natural persons or legal entities, and which depends on your visiting of the website. For instance, this information may include IP-address, from which you access the Internet, date and time of the access to the website, as well as the address of a website, from which you went directly to the website via the link. This information is used in the integrated reporting form for increasing of usefulness and attractiveness of the website for users.

Use of special functions and sections protected by passwords

This website may include special functions and sections protected by passwords. During the registration in order to use special functions or sections protected by passwords, your agreement to special conditions, which regulate your use of special functions or sections protected by passwords, may be required. In these cases, your direct agreement to special conditions will be asked for, for instance, marking the field or clicking the button, which confirms accepting user agreement – “I agree”.

Purposes of personal data processing:

KICF provides services on organization and holding of specialized events – international exhibitions and conferences on the territory of Ukraine. We need your personal data in order for us and our Partners to provide your participation and/or visiting of specialized events, in particular for:

  • Registration of application for participation in a specialized event;
  • Making badges for participants and exhibitor’s staff;
  • Registration of invitation for participation in a specialized event;
  • Registration of participant/visitor of a specialized event;
  • Publishing of exhibitor’s information in the official catalogue of a specialized event;
  • Providing other information and services, requested by you;
  • Safety and prevention of fraud;
  • Effective services for customers;
  • Personalization of the use of our website;
  • Displaying of personalized advertisement;
  • Providing you with special offers and other information, which in our opinion can be interesting for you;
  • Providing you with information and notifications about your use of our website;
  • Providing you with invitations for participation in exhibition events and polls and getting feedbacks from you;
  • Better understanding of your needs and interests;
  • Improvement of content, functionality and usability of the website;
  • Improvement of our goods and services;
  • Improvement of our marketing and advertising events;
  • Other purposes set out in the current notification on privacy policy or other agreements between KICF and you.

We kindly ask you to provide only those personal data, which are necessary for providing the service you select, receiving newsletters or answer to your special request/claim. At the same time, if you decide to provide us with additional personal data, we will be able to process them with the necessary level of protection as well.

Time of processing (storing) of personal data

We will not store your data longer, than it is necessary for fulfilling the purpose, for which they are processed, or for compliance with the requirements stipulated by law.

In order to define the relevant period of data storing, we define the character and category of personal data, purposes for which we process them, and whether we can achieve these purposes by other means.

According to general rules, maximum time for personal data processing in our Company amounts to 2 555 days starting from the moment of submission of tax reports for the period, when the corresponding operation took place. The above-mentioned time of processing complies with the provisions of Tax Code of Ukraine in terms of storing documents connected with calculation and payment of taxes and duties.

Cookies and similar technologies

We use cookies and other web-technologies to collect information and support particular functions of our websites. For instance, we use these technologies in order to:

  • Collect information about the ways of the use of our websites by visitors on the visited pages, where links are used, and the amount of time spent on each web-page;
  • Define effectiveness of our advertising campaigns and their management;
  • Support functions of our websites, e.g., to eliminate necessity to re-enter incoming data, which are already in our database, or to reapply settings, which were selected during previous visits to our websites; for personalization of work with our websites.

As a rule, the information collected by means of the above-mentioned web-technologies does not allow to identify you personally. However, if you have created your user account, for instance, by registering in one of our websites’ section protected by password, we can connect the information, which we collected by means of web-technologies, with other information, which identifies you personally.

If you do not want to receive cookies, you can apply settings in your browser to decline these files. Besides, you can also delete our cookies after leaving the website. Although you are not obliged to download our cookies while visiting our websites, if you apply the settings to decline cookies in your browser, you will not be able to use all functions of our websites.

Besides, we can send you push notifications, Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and other messages with the help of various ОТТ-applications, SMSes, notifications and messages of other type/means of sending, in order to inform you about specialized events and find out about your wishes regarding participation/visiting these events.

Providing shared access to your personal data by KICF company

Service providers. We arrange shared access to personal data for companies and organizations, which provide services on our behalf, for instance, companies, which provide us with support services (including processing services, data centers and services of web-hosting) or Partners, which help us provide our services. These third parties due to the operation of privacy policy agreements are obliged to use personal data, to which we provide shared access, exclusively for the purpose of providing services with the use of commercially reasoned activities to protect privacy and safety of your personal data.

Inside the KICF company. We provide employees of KICF – natural persons who act as personal data processors – with shared access to personal data, which are collected with the help of our website.

Transfer of control. Your personal data can be transferred to companies, which have bought corporate rights or assets of KICF, or one of our businesses, for instance, as a result of acquisition, merger, reorganization or liquidation. In case of such transfer of control, the company uses your personal data taking into account the real policy and benefits on privacy, which were stated to us.

Regulatory compliance, protection of our rights and rights of other people. We have the right to disclose personal data, when we truly consider that such disclosure complies with legislation, according to court order or decision of other law enforcement agency. We also have the right to disclose personal data in order to prevent and investigate possible crimes, including fraud or theft of personal data, for compulsory enforcement or application of our terms of use of online resources or other agreements, as well as for protection of our own rights or property or rights to property or safety of our users or other persons.

Aggregate information. We have the right to provide third parties with shared access to demographic or poll information; however, such information will have an anonymous form and does not contain any personal data and information. Aggregate information, to which we provide shared access, can include anonymous information, which is collected with the help of use of cookies and other similar tracking technologies, as described in the chapter “Cookies and similar technologies”.

General recommendation

We respect your right to choose the ways we collect, use and disclose your personal data. We also provide the link to “refusal” in newsletters and advertising emails, so that you could inform us that you do not agree to receive such correspondence from us in the future.

Direct marketing

Before we use your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing (or give the permission to do this to our structural subdivisions), we will give you the opportunity to allow or prohibit such use of your information. At any time, you can exclude yourself from our direct marketing emailing, by sending an e-mail or written notification to the person in charge of data privacy. We kindly ask you to indicate your first and last names, address and e-mail address, as well as phone number in case of refusal from SMS-notifications, so that we could find you in our lists for e-mailing and sending SMS-notifications. After receiving the necessary information, we will exclude you from our lists for sending e-mails and SMS-notifications. We kindly ask you to give us sufficient time to fulfill your request.

Order of access, updating and correction of your personal information

When you create your personal account or personal profile on one of our websites, you can access and update some or all of your data on the page of settings of your personal account or profile.

Rights of the subjects of personal data

Right of subjects of personal data according to Ukrainian legislation

  • To know the source of collecting information, location of personal data, purposes of their processing, whereabouts or place of living (place of stay) of the Owner or Manager of personal data or give the corresponding instruction to receive such information to the person  authorized by them, except for the cases stipulated by law;
  • To get information about terms of giving access to personal data, including the information about third parties, who receive their personal data;
  • To have access to their personal data;
  • To receive not later than 30 calendar days from the day of getting request, except for the cases stipulated by legislation, response if the personal data are being processed or not, as well as to get the content of such personal data;
  • To make a reasoned claim to the Owner of personal data with objections to processing of their personal data;
  • To make a reasoned claim to change or delete their personal data by any Owner or Manager of personal data, if these data are processed illegally or are false;
  • For protection of their personal data against illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage in connection with intended concealment, failure to provide or delay in providing data, as well as for protection against providing information, which is false or defames the natural person, his dignity and business reputation;
  • To file a complaint for processing of their personal data to the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada or to the court;
  • To apply means of legal protection in case of violation of the legislation on protection of personal data;
  • To add restrictions to the right of their personal data processing when giving agreement;
  • To withdraw the agreement to process personal data;
  • To know the procedure of automated personal data processing;
  • For protection against automated solution, which has legal consequences for them.

Other rights of subjects of personal data according to GDPR

  • Right for information;
  • Right to correct your personal data;
  • Right to withdraw the agreement to process personal data and right to erasure (“to be forgotten”).

Protection of personal data by KICF

We use a complex program of data safety, which includes commercially reasoned administrative, physical and technological safety measures, for protection of your personal data against unauthorized access, use, unauthorized or accidental destruction, change or disclosure. Though we take commercially reasoned preventive measures to ensure the level of safety, we cannot guarantee absolute safety of the information, provided via the Internet or stored in our databases against criminal intrusion of third parties (cyber-attacks).

Links to other websites of KICF

This website includes hyperlinks to other websites of structural subdivisions of KICF (hereinafter referred to as – Other websites of KICF). The above-mentioned Other websites of KICF are autonomous and separate websites. Each of them performs a particular function. Therefore, any Other website of KICF is regulated by its own terms of use and privacy policy. During access to Other websites of KICF via links from this website, please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with privacy policy, published at each Other website of KICF, which you visit.

Links to other websites

This website may contain links to websites of other companies, including websites of our partners and third parties. This Policy does not apply to personal data, which are collected at any of these websites. When you access third websites via links at this website, please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with privacy policy, published at this website.


Our website is not intended for the children, who have not reached the age of 13. We do not use the website for intended transfer of data from and for the children, who have not reached the age of 13. If you have not reached the age of 13, please, do not provide us with any personal data. If we find out that the person, who has not reached the age of 13, has given us such information via one of our websites, we will make reasonable efforts in order to delete such information from our databases.

Contact information on questions, connected with privacy policy:

If you have any questions connected with this Policy or our privacy practices, please, send an e-mail or written notification to the person in charge of data privacy policy (see Contact information on this page).

Kyiv International Contact Fair, Ltd.
Postal address: P.O. box 'B-13', 01001 Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel./fax: (044) 494 42 50

Person in charge: Oleksii Bezkorovainyi

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